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Myanmar Trip Report

Yangon, Myanmar


Thank you for praying for my recent trip to Myanmar. My primary purpose was to preach in the first missions conference held by Grace Baptist Church (GBC) in Yangon, and to teach a week-long seminar on missions at the Grace Baptist Theological College & Seminary (GBTCS).

Grace Baptist Church, Yangon

Missions Conference

Several years ago, GBC sent their first missionary to a northern town on the border with China. Today the church supports seven national missionary families serving throughout Myanmar. These national missionaries receive much less support than American missionaries. This was the first time they were able to host all the missionaries for a conference. We (ODBM) gave funds to cover the travel expenses. Some had to travel by bus for nearly 20 hours. Each missionary gave a report of their church planting efforts and enjoyed the fellowship with each other and the church family. It was my privilege to be with them and preach on missions.

Burmese Missionaries & Dave at the GBC Missions Conference


The GBC members were engaged in the conference, but with heavy hearts. One of the deacons passed away during the first day. He was the brother of a former ODBM missionary, En Khan Kham, who passed away in 2021 from Covid and cancer. At the same time, reports of increased military oppression and war in the north further dampened the spirits. Everyone knew of churches or relatives impacted by the fighting. Two missionaries were cut off from their homes and churches. It took several days for them to return home, having to use bush roads instead of the main highway. Despite the heartaches and concerns, the conference went forward with a greater sense of Jesus’ return and the need to advance the Gospel.

Church members, students & missionaries enjoying the conference.

College Seminar

During the week, I taught for 3-5 hours/day at GBTCS. Enrollment dropped during Covid and the coup, but they are slowly growing again and have over 50 students. Their new campus is almost finished. While the work has been steady, it’s been slow due to the impact of the coup. This was my 5th time to teach at GBTCS and I always enjoy the opportunity to interact with the students. I taught on the biblical philosophy of missions and the importance of being “in the world but not of it.” The students responded well and shared testimonies of how God is working in their lives to prepare them for Gospel service.

GBTCS Student Body

Missions Seminar with the GBTCS Students

Reconnecting with Friends

Dr. En Khan Kham served under ODBM and was a good friend. His passing in 2021 was a great loss. He was critical to the launch and growth of national missions efforts throughout Myanmar. Several missionaries shared with me that he had a huge influence in their lives and that he encouraged them regularly. It was a blessing for me to meet with his widow and adult children to see that they are all well during these difficult times.

Fellowship with Dr. En Khan Kham's Family

It was also a blessing to be hosted by Dr. Hung Kim, the president of GBTCS. Hung & Priscilla attended our home church while studying at BJU. I enjoyed the fellowship and serving with them in their ministries at GBC and GBTCS. I’ve enjoyed partnering with Hung and others in strategizing about national missionary efforts to the Unreached People Groups in Myanmar.

Dr. Hung & Priscilla Kim

Future Ministry

The trip was a key part of our gradual transition to serving as missionaries in Asia. I’m planning to return to Myanmar in late May for more missions teaching and training. We’re looking forward to living in Asia so that we may serve full-time to help national missions efforts in Myanmar and other countries. Please continue to pray with us for a new ODBM Director, and for God’s leading and provision of our support.

Thank You

If you look up Myanmar on the official US travel guide website, it has a Level 4 rating which is the highest warning, meaning “don’t go to Myanmar.” It reminds me to pray and thank the Lord for the national believers who are enduring affliction for the Gospel. We’re thankful for your partnership with us to serve those in hard places to make disciples of Christ.

- Dave

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.”

2 Thessalonians 3:1-2

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