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  • dsmith484

What's in Store for 2024?

We're excited to begin a new chapter of our ministry by serving Asian churches in reaching the Unreached with the Gospel. God blessed and opened many doors last year to start the transition. We're excited to continue taking steps forward to see what God has in store for us in 2024. Here's what's coming up in the next few months and how you can pray for us.

Pray for the Unreached People Groups in Asia

Sharing our Ministry in Churches

We hit the ground running in the new year by sharing about our new ministry. Last week we were in Florida enjoying some warmer weather and wonderful fellowship with Evangel Baptist in the Bradenton area. We'll be home in South Carolina for the remainder of January, sharing in churches and participating in a missions conference. Then in February, Dave will head to the cold midwest to churches in Indiana and Illinois. Pray for safety and good health as we travel. Our deputation phase of ministry is laying a critical foundation. Pray for God's leading and provision of ministry partners to "hold the ropes" as we serve in Asia. Pray also for the Holy Spirit to stir young and old hearts to find their role in declaring God's salvation to the nations.

International Trips

As winter turns into spring, Dave will be ministering overseas. We pray these trips will enable us to strengthen relationships, make new contacts, and help Asian churches take key roles in carrying out the Great Commission. Here's a rundown of the upcoming trips.

Pray for the 60 million unreached children in just on state (Bihar) of India


First, Dave will be going to India in March. He's excited to participate in a conference and retreat for Indian pastors as part of Vision20/20Asia. He has served with some of them in the past, and is looking forward to meeting more pastors and learning about their ministries. We'll be exploring ways we can help these pastors and churches engage in missions. India has the most Unreached Peoples by far of any country in the world. It also has great potential to send missionaries throughout India and all of Asia. Pray for the Holy Spirit to call new laborers!

Pray for God's provision, wisdom, & grace for Pastors and Churches in PNG

Papua New Guinea

It will be a special blessing to return to Papua New Guinea (PNG) in April. The Simbai churches, with whom we served (2000-2010) have invited Dave to preach in a combined missions conference in early April. Pray for safety, strength and good health as Dave will be flying to a remote airstrip and living in a village with no modern amenities while preaching in the conference. Then he'll be traveling and preaching in the capital city. The pastors are praying and planning to relaunch mission efforts. Pray for Dave to be a help and encouragement and for the Holy Spirit to use God's Word to quicken hearts for the spread of the Gospel.

Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to continue calling laborers from within Myanmar


In May, Dave will be going back to Myanmar. Lord willing, he will travel to the north to encourage, train, and assist national missionaries serving in remote regions. He will also teach in seminars geared for discipling new believers from among Unreached People Groups. Finally, he will be teaching missions courses in a Bible College & Seminary. Myanmar continues to be ransacked by civil war. Pray for ongoing open doors, safe travel, and for the Holy Spirit to use Dave to be a blessing to the churches.

Pray for the massive cities of Asia that are home to countless Unreached

Open Door Baptist Missions

Dave continues to serve as the ODBM Director while the mission continues to pray and look for a new director. Dave's been able to manage his responsibilities while traveling. It's a blessing to work alongside our ODBM staff to serve our missionaries around the globe. We're gearing up for our 4th annual college retreat in March to encourage and challenge students to use their professional training and skills to live on mission for the intentional advancement of the Gospel. We call it the BAM (Business as Mission) Retreat.

Students at last year's BAM Retreat

Thank You!

It's only by God's grace that we've been able to begin a new chapter of our lives and a new phase of missionary ministry. The Lord has been so good to us, blessing and providing through His people. We're thankful for the many churches and individuals who are praying for us and giving generously to help us serve others. Several have given to cover the cost of upcoming trips and to help with key mission projects in Asia. Once again, "thank you" seems so inadequate to communicate our appreciation for all that you do. We know Christ is coming back and we appreciate your partnership with us to send the Good News to the toughest, darkest places.

In Christ,

Dave & Shawn

Serving Asian Churches to advance the Gospel to the Unreached Nations for His Glory!

Prayer Requests

  1. Safety and good health while traveling in the US and abroad.

  2. Opportunities to share our ministry and God's provision of ministry partners.

  3. Lasting fruit from our teaching and preaching ministries overseas.

  4. God's protection of western and Asian missionaries serving in unreached areas.

  5. Fruit from the college BAM Retreat and for new harvest laborers.

  6. God's wisdom and leading in calling a new Director to serve ODBM.

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